Thursday, January 3, 2013

Whooooo are you?

There's a great line From The Big Kahuna ( a most excellent movie ) that Danny Devito's character says: " A man hasn't any idea what his soul looks like until he gazes into the eyes of the woman that he's married to."

I think we all have an internal us and sometimes it doesn't jibe with what the outside world sees.  I'm not sure there is anything we can do about it.  Maybe it is a flight or fight thing.  Some of us like to crawl into our shells and stay hidden, others come out swinging all the time.  Most of us I think try to strike a balance.  But every so often we will look into the eyes of someone who loves us and see what they see.  It can be humbling and it can be uplifting.

I was having a very grumbly morning.  Oh come on,we've all been there:
  It sucks to be me.  If only things would..........If only I could...............Why, why, why?  Blah, blah, blah.

 For some reason I remembered something one of my dear friends had said, it wasn't anything profound it was just a lovely warm greeting that made me feel special, singular, seen.
This memory didn't magically erase my problems.  There are some things in my life at the moment I think I have a right to be pissed about damnit!  HOWEVER, mixed in with the crap, I am hugely thankful for my friends and family who see me, the good the bad and the quirky and love me for it all anyway. And with that simple act, make it safe for me to be out of my shell.

 Just so you don't think I've gone all warm and fuzzy on ya, the last word goes to Oscar Wilde ~ " True friends stab you in the front."


Sally said...

what a gem from Oscar.... thanks for this

Unknown said...

You're welcome Sally.