Monday, December 31, 2012


I was trying to decide what to write about this New Year's Eve day, and so I went looking for inspiration on facebook, as you do.  Two things are jumping out at me.One is the idea of setting intentions rather than making resolutions. Two is showing up.

  I like the word intention because it denotes the idea of action, mindfulness, respect.   It's not just making a wish throwing it out into the universe and hoping the gods of your particular cause will make it so. For those of you who have in the past made resolutions and followed them through successfully; kudos, yippee and you're awesome! Intention resonates for me.

Showing up means bringing all of me to my work and my life.  Showing up means being open to all possibilities, the wonderful stuff and the not so great shit. Showing up means there's a chance of getting hurt.  Don't get me wrong  I have no intention of becoming any one's punching bag.  But I have reached a point in my life where I am really only interested in truth.  And your truth and mine might be very different and that's okay.  As long as we are well informed and respectful and clear about our intentions, we can debate and discuss and maybe start working on something bigger and more important than us.

 Chief Spence is showing up, Prime Minister Harper, not so much.

Malala Yousufzai serenely showing up with inspiring intentions

The last word today goes to the  Idle No More movement a bunch of ordinary folks, intending to make a change and showing up.

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