Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Smallest Things Take Up The Most Room In Your Heart

My sis in law has informed me that there is a potential adoptive family for Blossom!  Yay, how lovely!  I am keeping fingers and toes crossed.  Not that it will take much luck, she is such an adorable tripod kitty.

  Once Blossom has gone there will no doubt be another kitten, dog, rat, hamster, guinea pig, bunny,  that needs shelter from the storm that we humans so carelessly create.  I wonder if it will ever change?

  I do not understand cruelty to animals.  I cannot wrap my head around it.  Animal abuse and child abuse make me crazy.  Oh there are lots of adults and worldly issues that get me going too, but cruelty to animals and children makes me incandescent with rage. Mostly I suspect because I feel so helpless to stop it and trust me, I have rushed in foolishly on more than one occasion.

 Thank goodness for all the people who work tirelessly and with such open hearts for animals and children.  I do not know how they do it but I am forever grateful that they do and unspeakably sad that they have to.

" All his life he tried to be a good person.  Many times, however, he failed.  For after all he was only human.  He wasn't a dog."  ~ Charles M. Schulz

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Try, try, try!

Do you hear that sound?  Pounding footsteps and muffled screams!  That is the sound of folks bolting back to their comfort zones.  Lately I have been practically trampled under the stampede of people retreating  from what they thought was a good idea.  You know those wonderful little day dreams that are really pent up desires and frustrations.  I have always wanted to.................sing, act, dance, write, and for those of us already doing those things; stand closer to the edge, take bigger risks, be even more vulnerable.

I completely understand the manic terror that starts in your stomach and climbs up into your throat at the looming prospect of making a fool of yourself.   I too have heard that  nasty, loud, damn it's loud, voice in my head that tells me I will fail.  But here's the thing.  So what if you fail?  So what if you make a fool of yourself?  What is the worst that could happen?  The world will not come to a shuddering halt.  A Greek chorus will not pop up to tell the world how much you suck.  The attempt police will not stop you from trying again.

Instead of worrying about the worst that could happen why not imagine the best that could happen.  Yeah dangle that carrot in front of your motivation for a bit.

Nobody is great at anything the first time they try.  Not even Baryshnikov ( omg Baryshnikov! ) soared the first time he tried.

I know being vulnerable is uncomfortable.  I know that voice in your head is persuasive.  But a good way to shut it up or give it a new message is to TRY!  Don't deny yourself the pleasure of accomplishment.  Let your stomach flip over while you are on that high wire.  Enjoy the experience.  It's a journey people and sometimes it is a trip!

Here is today's last word:
There’s something liberating about not pretending. Dare to embarrass yourself. Risk. – Drew Barrymore

Friday, February 1, 2013


I cannot imagine my life without animals in it.

Some people, lots of people don't have pets and that's fine, each to their own, and for sure their houses are cleaner than mine.  No scratches on the hardwood, nose prints on the windows,  hair and dust balls the size of dinosaurs.  I swear I could make a new cat from the fur I sweep up weekly.

We have two cats, a dog and my son's leopard gecko.  With the addition of Blossom, a little foster kitten from the rescue organization I sometimes help, we currently have 3 cats.

 Blossom had a deformed front leg that unfortunately couldn't be fixed and had to be amputated.  When I brought her home from the vet she spent about a minute walking backwards, I think in an attempt to walk out of the cone on her head, and then gave up and went looking for her favourite toy mouse.  I hovered over her that morning, holding my breath when she went up the stairs or jumped into a chair, begging her to slow down.  But she didn't miss a beat or a step.  She was tearing around here just as she had done before the operation.  Tut, our 18 lb, looks all kinds of thugging, male cat can often be found curled up beside her giving her face and ears a good wash.  Even Minerva, the princess feline, who in the past growled at Blossom and gave her the occasional smack for good measure has nothing but kitten kisses for her now.  Animals know.

This little kitten has a 6 inch scar from her jaw down her side. She is on 3 different kinds of meds that I shove down her throat 5 times a day.  And let's not forget the aforementioned cone. And still, still, she sits in my lap and purrs as if I embody bliss.

Today last word is from Jules Verne.~ " I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through."