Sunday, August 18, 2013


Some days, life is just a cluster fuck.  It just is, and there ain't nothing you can do about it.  And who says everyday has to be perfect?  Come to think of it that would be pretty boring wouldn't it?

As much as I wish days that are complete epic failures didn't happen, they do, and they happen to all of us.  I would hazard to say if they don't happen to you every once in a while, you are doing something wrong.

  The only way to avoid disaster days, is to live in an hermetically sealed bubble.  Which might be pretty and sure is safe but it sure isn't living.  Living is being open to all possibilities; good and really sucky.  Living is being vulnerable and allowing those whom you love, to be vulnerable.  Living is making great big glorious mistakes.  Living is forgiving each other.  Living is sometimes messy.

Today was a shit of a day and I am humbly, extraordinarily grateful for it.

" You must take life the way it comes at you and make the best of it. " Yann Martel, Life of Pi

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