Friday, May 10, 2013

Mother's Day......................sigh

Ah Mother's Day.  Why do I have such an issue with you?

Maybe because I am a Britt. My family doesn't celebrate Mother's Day, never has.  It seems to be a North American phenomenon.  Not that there aren't days set aside to honour mothers in other cultures, there are, but the big TO DO seems to be North American.

I was trying to research the origins of Mother's Day.  The consensus seems to fall on a woman named Ann Marie Reeves Jarvis , and Julia Ward Howe's  Mother's Day Proclamation for Peace.  Whatever both these women had envisioned, it is clear the modern Hallmark, flowers, chocolate, spa gift extravaganza, wasn't it.

 I was listening to a call in show on the radio today, subject; worst and best Mother's Day gifts.  Someone gave his wife, wife, not mother, a pair of diamond earrings!  What? What the hell did he give her for her birthday? And why is he giving his wife a gift?  Mother's Day, remember?  It is like parents giving their kids gifts for Valentine's Day.  Ugh Valentine's, don't get me started.  As the self professed least romantic woman in the world, you don't want to be standing near me in the card shop as I snort and groan, while I wade through the saccharin, facile, badly written poetry in most cards.  But I digress. 

You have probably figured out that my problem with Mother's Day, Father's Day and yes Valentine's is the crass, grasping, consumer driven greed of it all. For the record, mum, dad and husband get a card and even then it is because I am buckling to social pressure.

Now I am not trying to tell anyone how to spend their hard earned dough.  It is yours and it is no business of mine.  But maybe, just maybe in the spirit of community service that started the whole thing, consider donating to women close to home  in shelters who really need food more than you need a box of chocolates.  Or women around the world trying to start a business, take control of their lives and become the best mothers they can be.

Just a thought.

The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman.~ Mexican proverb

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