Thursday, May 23, 2013

Auditions? Hell yeah!

Not everyone loves auditioning, some really hate it.   But at times when the biz is achingly slow, I'm sure even those who hate auditioning would kill for the chance to remember how much they hate it.  And like it or not, auditioning is part of an actor's job.

I  kinda dig auditions, I have to say. I think auditions, as with most things in life, come down to your attitude.  I agree with Jack Plotnick when he says; your thoughts create your reality, and that is especially true when it comes to auditioning.  The casting director isn't there to judge you.  Wait, what?  Isn't that exactly what the casting folk do Susan?  Well I don't think so.  I think they are trying to find the right person for the part and that depends on so many things, and I hate to tell you, but your talent is low on that list.  I also suspect, having the casting person, the director, the producer and the writer(s)  agree on the perfect actor to be cast involves flying pigs and aligning cosmic bodies.  So really you, the actor, don't have the hardest job in the room.  You have the most fun job, you get to play! You get to do what you love and have somebody watch you.  After all what actor doesn't want an audience?

Tom Todoroff says your goal is to change the molecules in the room.  Cool, but always change them in a positive way.  Going in scared or needy or resentful that you are even being asked to audition, will put a big wet blanket over the room, and you'll be remembered alright, but probably not the way you want.

There are so many, so, so many actors in Toronto,  just the fact that you are " in the room " is a victory for you AND your hard working agent.  So be grateful, do the work, show up, and have a good time.  So they will want to see you again, and again, and again!!

Today's last word goes to the remarkable Judi Dench ~ "Seriously, though, I think I never ceased to be grateful of the fact that I am able to do a job that I really love - I never got over that."

 Picture credit, Tom Sierak.

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