Thursday, February 7, 2013

Try, try, try!

Do you hear that sound?  Pounding footsteps and muffled screams!  That is the sound of folks bolting back to their comfort zones.  Lately I have been practically trampled under the stampede of people retreating  from what they thought was a good idea.  You know those wonderful little day dreams that are really pent up desires and frustrations.  I have always wanted to.................sing, act, dance, write, and for those of us already doing those things; stand closer to the edge, take bigger risks, be even more vulnerable.

I completely understand the manic terror that starts in your stomach and climbs up into your throat at the looming prospect of making a fool of yourself.   I too have heard that  nasty, loud, damn it's loud, voice in my head that tells me I will fail.  But here's the thing.  So what if you fail?  So what if you make a fool of yourself?  What is the worst that could happen?  The world will not come to a shuddering halt.  A Greek chorus will not pop up to tell the world how much you suck.  The attempt police will not stop you from trying again.

Instead of worrying about the worst that could happen why not imagine the best that could happen.  Yeah dangle that carrot in front of your motivation for a bit.

Nobody is great at anything the first time they try.  Not even Baryshnikov ( omg Baryshnikov! ) soared the first time he tried.

I know being vulnerable is uncomfortable.  I know that voice in your head is persuasive.  But a good way to shut it up or give it a new message is to TRY!  Don't deny yourself the pleasure of accomplishment.  Let your stomach flip over while you are on that high wire.  Enjoy the experience.  It's a journey people and sometimes it is a trip!

Here is today's last word:
There’s something liberating about not pretending. Dare to embarrass yourself. Risk. – Drew Barrymore


me said...

Thanks for the reminder!

ps- have you read Daring Greatly by Dr. Brene Brown? I recommend highly

Unknown said...

Thanks me. No I haven't but I will, thanks for the recommendation.