Friday, February 1, 2013


I cannot imagine my life without animals in it.

Some people, lots of people don't have pets and that's fine, each to their own, and for sure their houses are cleaner than mine.  No scratches on the hardwood, nose prints on the windows,  hair and dust balls the size of dinosaurs.  I swear I could make a new cat from the fur I sweep up weekly.

We have two cats, a dog and my son's leopard gecko.  With the addition of Blossom, a little foster kitten from the rescue organization I sometimes help, we currently have 3 cats.

 Blossom had a deformed front leg that unfortunately couldn't be fixed and had to be amputated.  When I brought her home from the vet she spent about a minute walking backwards, I think in an attempt to walk out of the cone on her head, and then gave up and went looking for her favourite toy mouse.  I hovered over her that morning, holding my breath when she went up the stairs or jumped into a chair, begging her to slow down.  But she didn't miss a beat or a step.  She was tearing around here just as she had done before the operation.  Tut, our 18 lb, looks all kinds of thugging, male cat can often be found curled up beside her giving her face and ears a good wash.  Even Minerva, the princess feline, who in the past growled at Blossom and gave her the occasional smack for good measure has nothing but kitten kisses for her now.  Animals know.

This little kitten has a 6 inch scar from her jaw down her side. She is on 3 different kinds of meds that I shove down her throat 5 times a day.  And let's not forget the aforementioned cone. And still, still, she sits in my lap and purrs as if I embody bliss.

Today last word is from Jules Verne.~ " I believe cats to be spirits come to earth. A cat, I am sure, could walk on a cloud without coming through."

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