Wednesday, December 26, 2012

maiden voyage

As the title of this post indicates I see this as something of a beginning.  Now I know I have written a couple of posts before but nobody read them so they don't count and  now I am determined to make this more of a regular occurrence. Not the people not reading thing, but me writing!  I am not promising a post a day. I am not giving myself any kind of guidelines for the amount I will write or even how often I will post.  Such parameters will make me crazy and stressed and hugely disappointed in myself if I don't achieve them and this blog is not about stress and disappointment. Quite the opposite, this blog, for me is about creating and communicating.  And maybe, just maybe, creating a community.

I am an actor a teacher and a writer.   DISCLAIMER! so as not to offend my friends who are real, do it for a living, this is their job, big time writers.  I write songs and I am working on plays.

I am also a woman of a certain age.  Don't ya just love that expression?  Yeah me either but you know what I mean.  I NEVER say my age.  Not that I am embarrassed or ashamed of it.  For me it is a) irrelevant and b) limiting.  The minute people in my industry know your age, you are plonked into a very small limited category.  A category being the people, characters you can play and the stories you can tell.
 The lead?  Not unless you are Judi Dench ( love her ).
The love interest? eww gross. 
Sexy, smart, strong? No! No! No!
The thing is, I am sexy smart and strong and funny and sometimes a little weird and all the things I was and felt when I was in my 30s and 40s.  I'm not counting my 20s, they were messy.  Aw hell yes so everything I was in my 20s too. My point is we don't stop being who we are because we reach a "certain age".

I am sure I will revisit this ageism bull shit sooner or later but enough for now.
 I give the last word to Andy Rooney~" For every stunning, smart, well-coiffed, hot woman over 40, there is a bald, paunchy relic in yellow pants making a fool of himself with some 22-year old waitress."

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