Friday, March 8, 2013

A Wish For International Women's Day

I wish there wasn't an International Women's Day, or a Child's day or Pride Week.

I wish the world had evolved to the place where we are all just human beings. Sexual beings, not gay, straight, bi, etc.  Spiritual beings, not Christian, Muslim, Jewish, Baha'i, etc. Respected beings, not master and slaves. Free beings not war lords and child soldiers.

I do not mean we should all be one homogenous lump.  Far from it I celebrate our diversity.  I am thrilled and inspired by it.  We should have our own beliefs and customs and rituals.  But mine aren't better than yours just because they're mine.

Maybe that's why I have never been much of a joiner.  Group mentality can all too easily become mob mentality.  Too easily become us against them.  Remember how George W Bush used that argument to rush  America into a war based on lies? I shouldn't just pick on poor George, all wars are started that way.

So today while you are standing in line for your half caff, extra hot, no foam, sprinkled with fairie dust, latte; think about all the women around the world,  many of them closer to home than you know, think of them just struggling to keep their families alive.

Yup I wish there wasn't an International Women's day.
Mexican proverb ~ The house does not rest upon the ground, but upon a woman.

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