Thursday, March 21, 2013

No! Maybe. Can I think about it and get back to you?

So this morning I said no to something.  I turned down a request.  No big deal.  I was asked to do something and I politely declined.  And then agonized over my decision for the next HOUR!

I wasn't questioning my decision to say no; oh no, I knew I should say no.  I believe my actual response was, " oh god no!"  My gut had my back.

So why did I spend the next hour, waiting for all the bad karma to rain down on my head, poised over the phone, talking myself down from calling back and saying Yes, I am so sorry, what was I thinking, of course yes!  Okay so I am being a tad dramatic here but you know what I mean.  Or do you?

Am I alone in my unbalanced inability to say no?  Is it a girl thing?

Of course I can say no to the things most sane people say no to : playing in traffic, grilled cheese vodka, letting vampires in your house.  But ask me to go out of my way, change my schedule, accommodate you and your friends.  I'm your girl.

 Don't get me wrong I like being able to say yes, to help out when I can.  I think we should all help each other whenever possible and do it because it is the right thing to do, not for brownie points.  And I do say yes............... a lot.  So given that, why, why, why is it so hard to say no?

Today's last word goes to George Carlin ~ " Just cause you got the monkey off your back, doesn't mean the circus has left town."


walshmaclaren said...

Not just a 'girl' thing. I am often in 'why on earth did I agree to that???' mode. And 'cousin' George is exactly right...


Unknown said...

Must be our generous natures. That or our inability to stop our mouths before our brains engage.

me said...

This was one of my BIGGEST lessons from 2012 - learning how to say NO and truly putting myself first.
I didn't realize that it was part of my nature until someone pointed it out and then it was like a lightbulb moment: "OOHHHHH that's why I am unhappy!!!" Practice makes perfect... :)